As we celebrate America’s birthday and 239 years of independence, please take a moment and remember the meaning of the 4th of July, and that is the meaning of our country’s unique and celebrated Independence Day. What makes we as Americans special is our allegiance to an idea first declared in a spare hall in Philadelphia many years ago. That all of us are created equal. It is that undeniable declaration and intentional commitment to equality that we take pride in our great nation.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”
While many of our families and friends take the opportunity to gather together, give thanks, and enjoy a long weekend, let us not forget the thousands of Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and National Guard members who are deployed around the world protecting our freedom. Our members of the Armed Services provide their dedication and sacrifice in the name of protecting the ideals that America was founded on.
Enjoy your weekend, some BBQ and fireworks with friends and family and if you drink, have a designated driver to get everyone home safe.
Patrick Mikell
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