TN Tactical Supply is proud to announce a new service we are offering to the families of HAM Radio operators that have passed away. After hearing too many conversations and stories of how widows and surviving family members were taken advantage of when the time had come to sell their loved one’s used radios and equipment, we decided to see if we could change that.
We offer:
Option 1. Free download of a blank inventory sheet in a pdf format that can be printed out and filled in by the HAM operator with the make, model, date purchased, price paid and working condition of each piece of radio gear. (Working equipment has a much greater value than something who’s condition is unknown and would be considered for parts only). This form would then be filed with their important papers such as wills, mortgage and so on, so after passing, when the family was ready, they would have a baseline idea on what all was owned. This form could also be used to document other collections of value such as tools, knives, coins, guns, stamps as well as others. Please go to the Silent Key tab on the right side of the page to get the free download file.
Option 2. If a comprehensive list is available, we can offer to research current values of the equipment based on what similar equipment is currently selling for on amateur radio websites and auction sites such as ebay. Family would then have a fair estimate of the values and could offer them for sale on ebay or craig’s list in their local area. Charge for this level of service minimum is $25.00 and if it is a large collection of 20+ pieces additional hours would be $25.00 per hour required to research.
Option 3. Within a hundred mile radius of Nashville, TN. depending on the size and scope of the collection, we can offer to come to your location to visually inspect the equipment, photograph, document each item and list them on an excel spreadsheet. We would then research current values and market the collection by advertising on amateur radio web sites as well as Ebay and Craig’s list for the family. Family would be responsible for packing and shipping items as they were sold and we would receive 25% of final sale price, not including packing and shipping costs.
Option 4. In addition to option 3, we would take possession of equipment, transport it to our facilities and be responsible for the marketing, packaging and shipping as items are sold. As items are sold payments would be sent to designated family member, less our 30% final value fee.
Option 5. After a valuation of equipment is made, we could offer a fair market value for the collection at a discount of 35% of agreed value and remove entire collection.