Honey I think I hear a noise down stairs. It’s that noise that everyone thinks about some time and can put your fear factor to high alert. More than once my wife has awoken me from a deep sleep, (once I’m out noises like thunderstorms, high winds or daughter getting in late from her job as a server don’t faze me), with a concern that something is just not right. Since our mixed Lab & Sheppard sleeps in our bedroom on her dog bed, I would expect her to be on high alert if someone had really broken in our home. At these times I want to have some semblance of self-defense capability close at hand on my nightstand.
Typically you are going to be most vulnerable while you are sleeping which is probably why so many break in’s occur at night. Normally I do not sleep in any sort of protective clothing, socks or shoes and make the assumption you probably don’t either. Not to mention until the adrenaline kicks in you are going to be somewhat groggy and perhaps disoriented.
Indeed, even with our dog to help sweep the house there are things in my night stand that are handy for me to snatch in seconds if a circumstance like this happens.
PHONES: Landline for 911 call if needed, gives dispatch your address and cell phone as back up if landline may have been cut off.
WEAPON: My choice is a Glock 19, 9mm hand gun loaded with self-defense ammunition and a loaded spare magazine.
FLASHLIGHT: Part of my EDC is a Surefire E2D Defender and it goes on my nightstand at bedtime so it’s easily available. Any good quality LED might do the job just as well, but for something I’m betting my life on, I trust a proven name brand. A less expensive option from Surefire would be the G2X. I have seen the argument that a flashlight will give away my position. Granted but out of the necessity to properly identify a target in a high stress situation, I don’t think it’s an option to be left out. If the decision is made to pull the trigger, you better know who / what you are shooting at. As an option, a weapon mounted light with a strobe function are available as well like the Streamlight TLR-1.
KNIFE: Another EDC item, strictly as a backup, mine is a SOG Flash II. While I’m not planning on bring a knife to a gun fight and threatening a gun wielding robber, at least it’s a backup option if something goes wrong with my primary weapon and you never know, you might need to cut some cord to tie someone up with.
EYE GLASSES: I wear contact lenses during the day but no longer sleep in them because of some past issues so on my nightstand is a pair of prescription glasses. Again to emphasize the importance of target identification.
SHOES: While a pair of flip flops or slippers could work, I opt for a better choice. A pair of walking / running shoes are also my daily wear and while they aren’t on the nightstand but they are right next to it. Over the years I’ve adapted to slipping them on quickly without untying the laces. My opinion is loose foot protection might put me at a great disadvantage if there was some broken window glass on the floor or I should need to go outside to look around.
There are other self-defense options if you do not choose to or cannot own a hand gun for whatever reason. A big dog, pepper sprays, stun guns, golf clubs or a baseball bat are available as a resource if someone ever does break into your home.
I have nothing against the 911 service, my family has had to rely on it in the past for medical reasons and it’s an important service that most of us living in America have as a resource. But there is always that chance that the police may already be on a call and in most cities the average response time of 15 minutes and up to as much as 1 hour in some rural areas. That may be too much time for things to go south so I choose to be as prepared to defend my family and property as much possible.
If you have any additional items, ideas or comments they are always welcome and appreciated so feel free to add your thoughts below.
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