Where and how to start your journey towards a more prepared house hold
Part 6
Security / Self Defense
Simple Definition of security
- : the state of being protected or safe from harm
- : things done to make people or places safe
Simple Definition of self–defense
- : the act of defending yourself, your property, etc.
- : skills that make you capable of protecting yourself during an attack
I recommended Knowledge as one of the first things you should try and gain in part 1, so in part six we will look at another basic category of Items or Stuff I believe is needed for emergency preparations to keep yourself and family safe and secure and today that is Security & Self Defense.
While I could have treated these as individual topics I decide to try and cover both since from my viewpoint they are interconnected with each other.
This is possibly one of the more difficult topics to cover because of variations in location, available of funds, physical abilities and motivation among other things. For many people living in the city or suburbs, their local Police, Fire Department and EMS personnel are typically what they rely on to keep them safe and secure. The implementation of the 911 emergency response system has saved countless people’s lives and is a worthwhile project.
As a Prepper the thought process tends to move further in self-reliance for personal safety and property protection, we like to add additional layers so to speak for redundancy. It has been shown that in large events, the first responders can be over whelmed when there were more injuries than the system was designed to handle. Depending on the situation and your location 911 may not be available in the time it takes for help to arrive so I recommend some basic preparations for your family are in order.
You should have on hand some basic medical supplies and knowledge of basic first aid. While I’m not suggesting you should know how to treat a gunshot wound or preform field surgery but rather have the ability to control bleeding, know how to treat for shock, and knowing CPR could mean the difference in a loved one, a friend or neighbor making it or not. The Red Cross and other organizations have classes and every adult should take a class and then repeat every couple of years as a refresher. And there is nothing wrong with learning how to treat a gunshot wound, just seek out the proper training, especially if you are a gun owner and participate in shooting sports. Whenever I’m at a local gun range or just out shooting with friends I have a military style IFAK, Individual, or in some circles Improved First Aid Kit, in my bag that includes supplies to control bleeding.
What about fire protection for your home and family. Have you ever discussed with your family what to do if there is a fire in your home? Hopefully everyone would have several ways to exit in case of a fire and that should be practiced at least annually. You should have at a minimum two fire extinguishers in your home, one located in the kitchen and the other somewhere central and easily accessed. An ABC Rated is the best and will work on all types of fires and 3 to 5 lbs. is the most common size and for what they will do I consider them to be cheap insurance.
Speaking of insurance, if you don’t already have renters or property and flood insurance for whatever reason, it’s a good idea to have it and I’ll leave it at that.
My former job in the corporate world required me to travel overnight quite a bit and as a precaution for my family we decided to have a monitored home security system installed. When researching the different providers and systems on the market I was amazed at the huge variation in costs so if you decide to go that route do your research before you spend your money and sign any contracts.
Weapons for personal defense range from non-lethal options such as Pepper Spray, Tasers, and Batons. (Maybe a good guard dog fits this category too). Moving on to the more lethal weapons you have knives, swords and guns of all shapes, sizes and manufacturer’s. I’m not going into great detail on what your choice of any defensive weapon should be, that will depend on your personal preference, affordability and willingness to seek out professional training for which ever you choose. In our immediate family each adult in our house hold has a pistol and knows how to safely operate it as well as where the home shot gun is stored and its safe operation.
If you chose to own firearms for competitive shooting, hunting or personal protection it is important that you allocate some time and money to get training for whichever endeavor you desire to participate. Simply owning a firearm does not make you competent and skilled in its operation and neither does an annual trip to the range for target practice or to sight in your rifle for hunting season. Check with your local gun ranges for recommendations on good trainers and classes.
Personal defense may also include the skill set found in learning a martial art of some sort if your physically capable and can afford the cost. If you are in a situation where a weapon is not allowed to be carried this could be a really good skill to have.
As mentioned earlier, if you can be a responsible pet owner and they are allowed in your residence, a dog can be a pleasure to have. It’s going to be based on your personal preference as far as size and breed but almost all dogs have a natural instinct to alert and protect their owners if there is a threat. If a dog is in your future please consider seriously getting a rescue or adopting one. A local internet search should have multiple possibilities in your area.
As always please add your thoughts, additional ideas and comments below.
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